Thursday, March 3, 2016
The recently redesigned Alicat BB9 multi connection box now features both a RS-232 and USB 2.0 connection. The BB9 multi-drop box allows for up to nine Alicat devices to be connected via one connection, and BB9s can even be connected together so a network of up to 26 devices can exist.
The BB9 can be used with almost any Alicat device which features the standard mini-din connector and includes pressure gauges and controllers, mass flow meters and controllers as well as our range of liquid flow meters and controllers.
Your Alicat meter or controller can be connected to the BB9 accessory via the DC Series of cable. Once connected, the BB9 offers a single data connection to PC or PLC which can either be via USB 2.0 or RS-232. This single connection can control all connected devices. Connected devices are also powered from the BB9.
You can now order your RS-232 Breakout Box online here.
Flow Vision SC software may be used to communicate with the devices and Flow Vision MX software will control up to six mass flow controllers for gas blending applications.
We also have the BB9-I accessory, which offers a locking industrial connector, and the BB9-485 accessory, which offers a RS485 data connection.
Alicat: New MCD series mass flow controller
For more information on Alicat's BB9 Multi Connection Box please feel free to contact Premier Control Technologies today.
PCT are a leading UK distributor and your enquiry will be handled with the utmost professionalism. Please provide your details below.