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Premier Control Technologies Fluid Solutions

Dual valve pressure control

Friday, April 1, 2016

Pressure control with dual valve control is here, ideal for closed volume applications. Alicat's PCD series allow for stable and response control. Gas wastage is reduced as there is no continuous bleed valve, instead a second independently controlled exhaust valve that actuates only when the pressure needs to be reduced.

Alicat PCD pressure controllers offer virtually no pressure overshoot so your application will never see over pressurisation. With class leading typically response times of approximately 100 milliseconds (fully adjustable) PCD allows for fast and stable pressure control. Alicat devices are fully customisable via the local push button display so fine tuning the PID settings for your process can be done in an instant.

The PCD dual valve pressure controller is available for both gauge and absolute pressure applications and offers a maximum pressure rating of 35 bar. A differential model is also available for DP's of up to 10 bar.

For applications with flow rates greater than 20 LPM the PCRD series can be specified and for applications where pressures need sensing at a remote point in the system the PCD3 or PCRD3 series can be specified.

A large 200:1 turndown ratio means one pressure controller can be used across a broad range of pressures. Typical accuracy is to ± 0.25% of reading but high accuracy calibrations can also be completed to ± 0.125% of reading.

PCRD dual valve model for high flow pressure applications

PCDS and PCRDS dual valve pressure controllers for aggressive applications

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