Thursday, May 7, 2015
Our SEM206 series is our low cost, entry level PC programmable temperature transmitter. We offer three versions for Pt100, Thermocouple and Thermistor inputs. It will convert the sensor output to a standard industrial (4 to 20) mA transmission signal.
PC configuration allows you to select range, units and burnout direction, without requiring special calibration equipment. Configuration is performed quickly using the Status USB port driven configurator by simply connecting two clips to the SEM206 loop terminals and following the software instructions. The software is available for free download. Calibration set up and configuration may be saved as a file on the PC for later use for speedy configurations.
SEM 206 series offer high stability and many different temperature inputs. The minimum span is 25 °C and a measuring accuracy of 0.2 °C ± 0.05 % of reading. The output type is a 2 wire 4 to 20 mA current loop with a minimum output of 3.9 mA being offered in low burnout conditions whilst a 21.5 mA output is offered in a high burnout condition.
The maximum output load is calculated by [(Vsupply-10)/21] K Ohms, for example: 700 Ohms @ 24 V.
A 10 - 30 VDC power supply is required.
Status Instruments DM720 Loop Powered Panel Meter
We keep plenty of items in stock at our premises in Wymondham, Norfolk and you can contact us for more details.
We also have a full range of temperature probes and thermowells available. The SEM206 range is manufactured by Status Instruments here in the UK.
PCT are a leading UK distributor and your enquiry will be handled with the utmost professionalism. Please provide your details below.