Saturday, February 7, 2015
Specialised Management Services manufacture Testing & Flushing Hydraulic Power Units (TFHPU) that deliver low and high pressure filtered hydraulic fluid for mobile pressure testing applications.
Used both in house and offshore on topside and subsea control valves and umbilicals, the flushing pump generates the required flow and pressure for mobile flushing applications.
These are harsh environments and the no nonsense Lake flowmeter provides instant flow data. Capable of 400 bar operating pressures in stainless steel material the Lake meter is designed into a system comprising a reservoir, electrically driven hydraulic flushing pump, or pneumatically operated LP and HP pressure pumps, accumulators, filters.
The flow meter provides accurate and reliable data measurement ensuring turbulent flow is achieved throughout the flushing process.
Contact Premier Control Technologies for more information or view our complete range of Lake Monitors variable area flow meters. We are happy to assist with our friendly and professional advice and we are pleased to have been partnered with Lake Monitors since 2013.
Lower pressure rated flow meters are also available in aluminium and brass bodies for pressures up to 240 bar.
Contact one of our application engineers today to discuss your process or application in more detail.
High Pressure Variable Area Flow Meters for Liquids and Gases
PCT are a leading UK distributor and your enquiry will be handled with the utmost professionalism. Please provide your details below.