March 2024
I am pleased to become part of the team at Premier Control Technologies (PCT) and, with PCT’s comprehensive product offering, and experience, I look forward to working with customers to optimise solutions to their process control needs within gas, liquid and vacuum duties.
I enjoy the interactions with customers, across multiple industry sectors, and assisting to provide solutions to the process challenges they face.
My background is Mechanical and Production Engineering, being a time served apprentice (HND), but migrated into the valve industry and have acquired a deep experience of valve design and duties for both control and isolation functions.
With more than 30 years of direct F2F professional experience, latterly, and predominantly, within the Semiconductor Industry, but also within Scientific Instrumentation OEM’s, Analytical & Surface Science, Nanoscience, Thin Film, Industrial OEM and R&D sectors, I also have experience of the process, metering and sampling demands within the Water Treatment, Filtration and Purification, Waste Water Treatment, Chemical Process, Food and Beverage, Bio-Pharma, Energy & Bio-Energy, Marine and Surface Treatment industries and I am thrilled that PCT’s broad customer base will provide challenges within the ever increasing technologically progressive industries they operate in, making every day both different and enjoyable.
The challenges that some industries now encounter will make them exciting sectors to be in. Innovation is a perpetual process. It doesn’t stop with the last solution but demands that a better, more efficient, cleaner and leaner successor solution evolves or is found.
I look forward to close collaborations with our industry partners to help bring about this constant progression.
Please contact me on 07983 242358 or email me at johndunbar@pctflow.com