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Premier Control Technologies Fluid Solutions

CS Instruments Oil-Check 400 residual oil measurement

  • Provides a permanent, highly accurate measure of oil vapour using a PID sensor
  • Monitors compressed air quality to ISO 8573 class 1 standard
  • Capable of measuring between 0.001 and 2.5 mg/㎥

The Oil-Check 400 measures the residual oil vapours inside a compressed air system through a PID (photo-ionic-detonator) sensor. An automatic zero-point calibration provides long lasting stability as the reference gas is created by a mini-catalyst.

A measuring range of between 0.001 and 2.5 mg/㎥ means that measurements can be done to Class 1 ISO 8573. It should be installed after an activated carbon filter and absorber that has been connected to an upstream filter and dryer.

Operating temperatures

Ambient temperatures in which the Oil-check 400 can operate are between 5 and 45°C. The compressed air temperature can be between 5 and 50°C with a relative humidity of less than 40% and a DTP maximum of 10°C.

Sampling is connected to the compressed air system via a PTFE hose, or a stainless-steel pipe connected with a 1/8" female thread according to ISO 228-1.

Reduce contamination in a compressed air system

When used in a compressed air system it helps to prevent damage to devices further down the production line. This will reduce maintenance costs and reduce contamination which should lead to a more efficient process.

Touch screen display

A 3.5" touchscreen allows for simple operation with a variety of outputs including Ethernet interface, RS485 interface and 2 alarm relays.

How to make the Oil-check 400 portable

The Oil-Check 400 is also available as a mobile unit capable of measuring vaporous oil in compressed air between 0.001 and 2.5mg/㎥. A highly accurate PID sensor has an inbuilt miniature catalyst that provides a zero-point calibration.

A mobile trolley can be used to mount the Oil-Check and once it is connected the PID sensor is operational within 30 minutes. Again an oil and grease free 2 metre PTFE hose provides quick coupling to the system.

Relative humidity must be lower than 75% without condensation for effective operation with the ambient and compressed air temperature above 5°C. Compressed air temperature should not exceed 50°C and the ambient temperature 45°C.

0 to 10 volt analogue outputs are provided for communication with external chart recorders. The DS400 data logger can be integrated into the Oil-Check 400 as well as a system that features a mobile DS500 chart recorder, Oil-check, particle control and an FA510 dew point sensor. This will allow for a mobile complete compressed air quality check.

Key specifications

Measured mediumCompressed air, free from aggressive, corrosive, acid, toxic, flammable and oxidising components.
Measuring unitResidual oil content in mg oil/norm m³ relative to 1.0 bar [abs], +20 °C, 0% relative humidity, in accordance with ISO 8573-1
Identifiable substancesHydrocarbons, functional hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons
Field of applicationAfter activated carbon fi lter, after activated carbon adsorber, after oil-free compressor, always with connected upstream fi ltration and dryer
Compressed air temp+5 °C… +50 °C
Dimensions (mm)410 x 440 x 163 (W x H x D)
Weightapprox. 16.3 kg

Model numbers

  • 0699 0070
  • Z699 0075
  • Z699 0074
  • Z699 0076
  • 0554 6017
  • 0553 0501


The CS Instruments Oil-Check 400 residual oil measurement is widely used in the following industries:


CS Instruments