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Premier Control Technologies Fluid Solutions

Alicat Coda KF and KG Series

  • Flow rate of up to 100kg/hour
  • Highly precise measurement to ±0.2% of reading
  • 2-100% control range of full scale

Alicat Coda KG series is an integrated system combining a CODA meter and a gear pump to create and control flow in a previously unpressurised system.

Alicat Coda KF series is a standard Coda Coriolis flow meter with the added functionality of PID control. The integrated PID control allows easy integration with your existing liquid pump allowing for full pump automation with separate PID control

Flow rate

Full scale flow rate is possible from between 1kg/hour up to 100kg/hour with a steady state control range of 2-100% of full scale. A range of liquids are compatible and are precisely measured at an accuracy of ±0.2% of reading.

Densities and Response time

Densities can also be measured between the ranges of 100 to 2000 kg/m3 with a density accuracy of ±5kg per cubic meter. Batching and dosing comes built in enabling it to be used in a range of sectors such as chemical mixing or adding dyes and fragrances to laundry detergents and fabric softeners.

The impressive control response time is less than 1500ms with an indication response time of less than 60ms.

Temperature and Pressure

Operating temperature range can be from as low as -35°C up to 70°C with an ambient temperature of between 0 and 60°C.

Inputs and Outputs

Digital input and outputs are ASCII and Modbus RTU over RS-232 or RS-485. Three analog input and output options are available being 0-5Vdc, 0-10Vdc and 4-20mA with an analog update rate of 50Hz.


Wetted materials are 316L stainless steel, PEEK and FKM as standard with the option for nickel alloy and FFKM. It has been given an ingress protection rating of IP40.

Technical Data for CODA KG-Series Mass Flow Pump Systems

Key Specifications

Mass Flow Accuracy1Gas: ±0.5% of reading or ±0.05% of full scale, whichever is greater
Liquid: ±0.2% of reading or ±0.05% of full scale, whichever is greater
Flow Repeatability (2σ)±0.05% of reading or ±0.025% of full scale, whichever is greater
Steady state control range2–100% of full scale
Temperature SensitivityMass flow zero shift: ±0.01% of full scale per °C from tare temperature
Mass flow span shift: ±0.01% of reading per °C from 25°C
Operating Temperature Range−35–70°C
Pump TypeGear
Density range100–2,000 kg/m3 measureable
Viscosity range0–200 cP
Wetted materials316L stainless steel, PEEK, and FKM standard; nickel alloy and FFKM optional
Digital Input and Output optionsASCII and Modbus RTU, over RS-232 or RS-485

1 - Stated accuracy is after tare under equilibrium conditions, includes repeatability and linearity. View the full list of specifications on our PDF spec sheet in the 'Data sheets and Manuals section'.

Technical Diagram

Technical Diagram for CODA KG-Series Mass Flow Pump Systems

The full details of specification and dimensions can be found on our PDF spec sheet in the 'Data sheets and Manuals section'.

A video demonstration of how the CODA Mass Flow Meter Pump system works

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The Alicat Coda KF and KG Series is widely used in the following industries:


Alicat Scientific