Vortex meters from Krohne are the ideal flow metering solution when pressure and temperature compensation is required. Vortex flow meters are suitable for liquids, (wet) gas and steam flow applications with the Optiswirl 4070 series providing integrated pressure and temperature compensation for saturated steam as standard. Optiswirl 4200 is the Vortex flow meter for utility applications and energy management systems, with direct output of mass, nominal flow and energy. The Optiswirl series can also carry out gross and net heat measurement on hot water and steam processes.
Optiswirl series vortex flow meters are non-wearing with a fully welded stainless steel construction with high corrosion, pressure and temperature resistance. These flow meters are suited to harsh and arduous environments whilst providing class-leading accuracy. Maximum process temperatures are available up to 240°C with process pressures available up to 100 bar.
Optiswirl Vortex flowmeters are available with either flanged process connection or for a wafer mount. Flanged versions are available from DN15 through to DN300 or 1/2" through to 12". Wafer mount versions are available up to DN100 / 4" line sizes. Devices are 2 wire with a 4/20 mA output.
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