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Premier Control Technologies Fluid Solutions

Longer GPH LPH dPOFLEX Biopharmaceutical Pump Head

  • LPH - Low pulsation head for high flow rate accuracy
  • GPH - multiple options and higher flow rates
  • Both offer open head sensor for enhanced operator safety

GPH and LPH pump heads are part of Longers dPOFLEX industrial range, specifically designed for demanding processes and environments within the biopharmaceutical processes.

LPH pump head

The LPH pump head is a low pulsation pump head with a 6 roller design and offers high flow rate accuracy. LPH can be configured with a double tubing assembly for low pulsation or a continuous assembly for dual channel pumping applications. When used with tubing number 185, 186 or 187 flow rates up to 4.5, 9 or 13.5 LPM (Litres Per Minute) can be achieved.

GPH pump head

The GPH pump head is available in three variants dependant on tubing size requirements and desired flow rates. Available in either a two or four roller design, GPH may be used with tubing numbers 26, 73, 82, 184, 186 and 188 with maximum flow rates from 3 LPM up to 17 LPM. Additionally, GPH pump heads can be used with either continuous tubing or tubing with fittings preassembled.

GPH can be supplied with the optional tubing leak sensor.

Both GPH and LPH industrial pump heads are designed with an open head sensor for additional operator safety.

Both models are constructed with an aluminium housing.

Useful 'How To' videos

dPOFLEX Peristaltic Pump Video Demonstration.

How to install the hose assembly for the LPH pump head.

How to operate the leakage detection function of the dPOFLEX peristaltic pump.

Reference guide: Max flow rates and compatible Tubing

Pump HeadPart NumberRoller NumberRoller MaterialHousing MaterialSpeed Range(rpm)Tubing (ID*Wall thickness mm)Max. flow rate L/min
GPH0105.01.70A2304SSDie-cast aluminum<=265rpm26# (6.4x3.2)
73# (9.6x3.2)
82# (12.7x3.2)
184# (15.9x3.2)
GPH0205.01.71A2304SSDie-cast aluminum<=265rpm186# (12x4)
188# (17x4)
GPH0305.01.71B4304SSDie-cast aluminum<=265rpm186# (12x4)
188# (17x4)
LPH0105.01.72A6304SSAnodized aluminum<=265rpm185# (8x4)
186# (12x4)
187# (16x4)

Useful articles

Model numbers

  • GPH01
  • GPH02
  • GPH03
  • LPH01


The Longer GPH LPH dPOFLEX Biopharmaceutical Pump Head is widely used in the following industries:


Longer Precision Pump