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Premier Control Technologies Fluid Solutions

Longer G100-1L G300-1L G600-1L Industrial Peristaltic Pump

  • Maximum flow rate of 3250ml/min
  • Aluminum housing provides excellent corrosion resistance
  • Communication via RS485 interface or Modbus RTU

The GX00-1L series (G100-1L, G300-1L and G600-1L) are a set of peristaltic pump drives that offer a range of flow rates from 0.15µL/min up to 3250ml/min. Ideal for use in applications that suffer from harsher environments thanks to the powder coated aluminum housing and rated to IP66.

There are three variations in the series with a range of maximum rpm from 150 to 350 then up to 650.

It features an LCD display that has locking capabilities to prevent unauthorized access. Three work modes are available which are timed, continuous and volume transfer.

Useful 'How to' videos

How to install a Longer YZ1515X Pump head.

How to Install Pump tubing in a Pump head.

Fluid Calibration example on the G600-1L Peristaltic Pump.

Single-run quantitative transmission.

Single timed transmission.

485 Communication operation mode.

Pump head and tubing compatibility

Pump DrivePump HeadTubing Size (#)Flow rates (ml/min/channel) at 0.1 - 150 rpm (measured with water)


YZ1515X or YZII15
with 3 rollers
130.006 - 9.45
140.025 - 37.5
190.042 - 62.49
160.077 - 116.55
250.16 - 240
170.26 - 400.05
180.36 - 550.05
YZ2515X or YZII25
with 3 rollers
150.16 - 240
240.26 - 400.05
with 3 rollers
350.36 - 549
360.5 - 750
flip-top with 3 rollers
130.005 - 57.95
140.03 - 45
190.06 - 92.51
160.11 - 160.01
250.23 - 345
170.36 - 540
180.4 - 600
flip-top with 3 rollers
150.223 - 334.95
240.367 - 550.05
low-pulsation with 2*3 roller
130,013 - 19,95
140,05 - 75
190.103 - 154.95
160.16 - 240
250.35 - 525
BZ15-13-A140.025 - 37.5
BZ15-13-B160.077 - 116.55 
BZ15-13-C25 0.16 - 240
BZ15-13-D170.267 - 400.05

0.267 - 400.05

DG-(1, 2, 4, 6 or 8) channels
with 6 rollers
 Inner Diameter ≤3.17mm
Wall thickness: 0.8-1mm
Max. 48
DG-(1, 2 or 4) channels
with 10 roller
Max. 32
Pump DrivePump HeadTubing Size (#)Flow rates (ml/min/channel) at 0.1 - 350 rpm (measured with water)



YZ1515X or YZII15
with 3 rollers
130.006 - 22.05
140.025 - 87.50
190.042 - 145.80
160.077 - 271.95
250.16 - 560
170.26 - 933.45
180.36 - 1.283.45
YZ2515X or YZII25
with 3 rollers
150.16 - 560
240.26 - 933.45
with 3 rollers
350.36 - 1.283.45
360.5 - 1.750
flip-top with 3 rollers
130.005 -135.22
140.03 - 105
190.06 - 215.86
160.11 - 373.36
250.23 - 805
170.36 - 1.260
180.4 - 1.400
flip-top with 3 rollers
150.223 - 781.55
240.367 - 1,283.45
low-pulsation with 2*3 roller
130.013 - 46.55
140.05 - 175
190.103 - 361.55
160.16 - 560.00
250.35 - 1.225
BZ15-13-A140.025 - 87.50
BZ15-13-B160.077 - 271.95
BZ15-13-C25 0.16 - 560.00
BZ15-13-D170.267 - 933.45
BZ25-13-B240.267 - 933.45
DG-(1, 2, 4, 6 or 8) channels
with 6 rollers
 Inner Diameter ≤3.17mm
Wall thickness: 0.8-1mm
Max. 48 (Max 100 rpm)
DG-(1, 2 or 4) channels
with 10 roller
Max. 32 (Max 100 rpm)
Pump DrivePump HeadTubing Size (#)Flow rates (ml/min/channel) at 0.1 - 650 rpm (measured with water)



YZ1515X or YZII15
with 3 rollers
130.006 - 40,95
140.025 - 162,5
190.042 - 270,79
160.077 - 505,05
250.16 - 1040
170.26 - 1733,55
180.36 -  2383,55
YZ2515X or YZII25
with 3 rollers
150.16 - 1.040
240.26 - 1733,55
with 3 rollers
350.36 - 2379
360.5 - 3250
flip-top with 3 rollers
130.005 - 251,12
140.03 - 195
190.06 - 400,88
160.11 - 693,38
250.23 - 1495
170.36 - 2340
180.4 - 2600
flip-top with 3 rollers
150.223 - 334,95
240.367 - 2383,55
low-pulsation with 2*3 roller
130,013 - 86,45
140,05 - 325
190.103 - 671,45
160.16 - 1040
250.35 - 2275
BZ15-13-A140.025 - 162,50
BZ15-13-B160.077 - 505,05
BZ15-13-C25 0.16 - 1040
BZ15-13-D170.267 - 1733,55

0.267 - 1733,55

DG-(1, 2, 4, 6 or 8) channels
with 6 rollers
 Inner Diameter ≤3.17mm
Wall thickness: 0.8-1mm
Max. 48 (Max 100 rpm)
DG-(1, 2 or 4) channels
with 10 roller
Max. 32 (Max 100 rpm)

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Longer Precision Pump