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Premier Control Technologies Fluid Solutions

Longer L100-1F Intelligent Peristaltic Pump

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  • 3 Year Warranty
  • UKCA Compliant
  • 7" Colour touchscreen display
  • Fully programmable and customisable
  • Large dispensing range from 0.15 µL - 9999L
  • Max channels: 8

Longer pumps 1F Series intelligent peristaltic pump for low flow rate applications due to the 100 RPM pump speed

The 7” colour touchscreen allows for easy setup and configuration of the pump. Programming fluid transfer can include constant speed, ramp up, ramp down, step up, step down and sine.

Programming for dispensing can include constant dispensing, incremental and decremental dispensing. Further logic functions can be added for direction, delay, event trigger, external control output, pause, jam, loop and stop.

Many pump heads can be used to offer a wide range of flow rate requirements from as little as 0.15 µL/min up to 500 ml/min. Multi-channel pump heads are also available for up to 12 channels.

Useful 'How To' videos

Intelligent Peristaltic Pump L100-1FS Dispensing Demo.

How to set Flowrate, Single Dispense, Cycles and Interval Time.

How to install and provision RS485 to the peristaltic pump.

How to operate 4-20mA External signal control with the peristaltic pump.

How to install and provision the Footswitch with the peristaltic pump.

How to use the Touchscreen Control Modes.

How to detect the pump head and tubing automatically.

STEP file downloads

Ordering online

Longer L100-1F Intelligent Peristaltic Pump

You can now order this range of peristaltic pumps on our ecommerce website. And if neccessary add compatible pump heads and tubing to your order.

From £1700.00 +VAT

PumpPump headTubing size (#)Flow rate (ml/min/channel) at 1 - 100 rpm (measured with water)Weight (kg)
L100-1FYZ1515X, YZII15 (3 rollers)130.006 - 6.35,4
140.025 - 25
190.042 - 41.66
160.077 - 77.7
250.16 - 160
170.26 - 266
180.36 - 366

YZ2515X, YZII25 (3 rollers)

150.16 - 160
240.26 - 266
YZII25 (3 rollers)350.36 - 360
360.5 - 500
FG15-13130.006 - 6.35,3
140,025 - 25
190,042 - 41.66
160,077 - 77.7
250,16 - 160
170,26 - 266
180,36 - 366
FG15-25150.16 - 160
240.26 - 266
DMD15-13-B130,013 - 13.35,4
140,05 - 50
190,103 - 103.3
160,16 - 160
250,35 - 350
DG15-24 (2 channels, 4 rollers)160,082 - 81.7 5,8
250,192 - 191.7
170,30 - 300.0
DG15-28 (2 channels, 8 rollers)13#, 14#
Inner diameter <3,17 mm, wall thickness: 0.8-1 mm
75 per channel, speed <= 100 rpm5,7
DG-(1, 2, 4, 6 or 8 channels) 6 rollersInner diameter <3,17 mm, wall thickness: 0.8-1 mm48 per channel, speed <= 100 rpm5,2-5,6
DG-(1, 2 or 4 channels) 10 rollersInner diameter <3,17 mm, wall thickness: 0.8-1 mm32 per channel, speed <= 100 rpm5,2-5,4

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Common process applications and industrial uses include:

  • Suitable for industrial and laboratorial application

Other features

  • Pump speed control available via 0-5 VDC, 0 – 10 VDC, 4 – 20 mA or 0 – 10 kHz input
  • Dispensing volume setting range: 0.00luL - 9999L
  • Dispensing time and interval time: 0.5s - 9000s
  • Dispensing cycle: 1 - 999999 (0 for unlimited)
  • Time in fluid transferring modules: 1s - 9000s (0s for continuous transfer without time limit)
  • Delay time setting range: 0.5s – 9000s
  • IP31 rating

Model numbers

  • L100-1F-A
  • L100-1F-B


Longer Precision Pump