Our range of isolators from Status Instruments are available in four different options and can convert or isolate many different types of common process signals.
The SEM1000 is a ground loop isolator which offers galvanic isolation and the output is powered from the input loop.
SEM1010 is a power isolator and is able to provide isolated power for a transmitter whilst being offering galvanic isolation.
SEM1015 is a loop powered voltage to current convertor / isolator, it can accept a DC voltage input whilst offering a loop powered 4 – 20 mA output signal.
The Status SEM1603i is a loop isolator / converter which can offer signal inversion whilst prividing extra drive for an existing loop.
All four isolators are compact in design and offer a DIN rail mount, wiring connection is via captive clamp screws. Some models offer zero and span adjustment vie a screw terminal.
If you have a specific requirement or application in mind, please Contact us today and an application engineer will get back to you.
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