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Premier Control Technologies Fluid Solutions

Status SEM1700 Signal Conditioner

  • Rtd, Thermocouple, mV, V, mA and Potentiometer Input
  • Isolated Universal Voltage or Current Output
  • 2 change-over relay outputs, 250 VAC @ 1A
  • Universal Power Requirement 22 to 250V AC or DC

The SEM1700 is a universal input signal conditioner offering a mA or voltage output as well as 2 change over relays.

Input signals include Pt100, Rtd, Thermocouple, mV, V, mA and Potentiometer.

Outputs include a mA (active or passive), Voltage and 2 x 250 VAC @ 1A change-over relays.

Isolation is provided between input, outputs and supply. All temperature ranges are linear to temperature. Both input and output loop excitation is provided.

The SEM 1700 is powered via a universal 20 – 250 VDC / 22 – 240 VAC supply.

Connecting your SEM1700 to the free Status software via the USB configuration allows for setup of the outputs.

Other features

  • Output zero/span alignment to input via push button
  • Loop power supply on both input and output current loops


Status Instruments