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Premier Control Technologies Fluid Solutions

Status WTX700 Wireless Temperature Transmitter

  • Accepts Signals from RTD, Thermocouple, Slidewire and mV Sensors
  • 300m Line of Sight Range
  • Battery Powered
  • Surface or Sensor Mounting Options

The WTX700 wireless temperature transmitter operates at 868.4MHz ISM Band for European use and can accept most common types of temperature sensor as well as slidewire and mV signals.

A 3.6V battery is provided for the WTX700 transmitter power supply and is fitted in a specially designed antenna housing which screws into the cable entry of a temperature probe.

The measured signal is transmitted on the ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band of 868.4MHz. This frequency is virtually insensitive to external interferences and allows transmission even in a harsh industrial environment.

The open air range is 300m.

Other features

  • The measured process value is transmitted to the DIN rail mounted receiver WRX900 which can accept signals from up to 16 WTX700 transmitters.
  • Configuration is carried out by using the Wireless Configuration kit. This allows configuration of all parameters including transmitter address, transmission interval, sensor type etc.


Status Instruments