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Premier Control Technologies Fluid Solutions

FENYX Variable Dispense Pump

  • Dispensing range of between 0.75 and 400mL/min
  • Simple fluid architecture with only one moving part in fluid path
  • Rotational: Up to 1000 RPM, Linear: Up to 1900 RPM


The FENYX variable dispense pump is able to complete a variety of functions from within a compact lightweight package. Priming, dispensing, and flushing can be completed by the pump with additional upgrades allowing it to disperse multiple volumes with the same pump.

Dispensing rate

It is ideal for use within small volume applications with a maximum flow rate of 400ml/min and a minimum of 0.75 mL/min. The motor operates at a maximum of 1000rpm (rotational) or 1900rpm (linear) with a dispensing volume range of between 0.75mL/rev and 400mL/rev.

Commonly the FENYX is applied within the OEM medical and life science industry thanks to the highly accurate dispensing that achieves accuracy of as good as ±1%. The FENYX is capable of sub-microliter non-contact dispensing.

Materials and operating temperatures

The ceramic pump can be constructed from Alumina or Zirconia, with the housing able to be manufactured using PVDF, ETFE, Polypropylene. Operating pressure should be between 0 and 30psig (0-2.1 bar).

As there is only one moving part within the fluid path it reduces the wear inside the pump creating a longer lasting operating life. The CeramPump also increases reliability thanks to its chemical inertness.

Key Pump specifications

DIMENSIONS7.1" Tall x 3.8" Wide
WETTED MATERIAL OPTIONSCeramic: Alumina, Zirconia
Pump Housing: PVDF, ETFE, Polypropylene
DISPENSE VOLUMEFor 2-10 µL: Accuracy of ± 5%, Precision (C.V.) ≤ 1%
For <10-200 µL: Accuracy of ± 1%, Precision (C.V.) ≤ 0.5%
PORT OPTIONS1/4-28 UNF Threaded Ports,
Barb Fittings (1/8” - 1/4” Tubing ID),
1/4” Compression Nuts

Key Motor/Drive specifications

RATED CURRENTRotational: 2.0 amp
Linear: 1.0 amp
MOTOR FRAMERotational: NEMA 17 (43 mm)
Linear: NEMA 11 Size (28 mm)
STEP ANGLERotational & Linear: 1.8º Full Step
MOTOR SPEEDRotational: Up to 1000 rpm
Linear: Up to 1900 rpm
MOTOR DIRECTIONRotational: Clockwise
Linear: Clockwise & Counterclockwise

Introducing the FENYX variable dispensing pump

A video animation showing Fluid Metering Valveless Piston Pumps work

Useful 'How To' videos

Video comparing an Air Over Liquid liquid vs Fluid Metering FENYX Dispense Pump.

Video introudcing the Fluid Metering Pump range.

Video demonstration of the FENYX variable dispense pump.

Fluid Presentation Video.

FENYX FVD pump versus Air Over Liquid Dispensing System.

Related article

Advantages of using a FENYX Dispense Pump in IVD Systems


The FENYX Variable Dispense Pump is widely used in the following industries:


Fluid Metering